
I used to be a voracious reader, primarily of genre fiction:  romance, mystery, fantasy, science fiction.  My reading has tapered off for a variety of reasons, although I still love fiction.  Fandom has begun eating at my brain (I blame my sister for this — she dragged me into it and when I complained about the lack of fic for my OTP, she told me to write it myself).  Sometimes I talk about sports (tennis, baseball, football), sometimes about travel (I have wanderlust).  I also periodically complain about my job here.

Other things to know:  I first began blogging over at LiveJournal, but created this blog when they were having DDoS problems.  The old posts (pre-July, 2011) were imported bit by bit, as LJ was up intermittently, and the comments seem to have been lost.  But they are still intact for the time being over at LJ, assuming it’s up, if you want to check them out.

I’ll be fiddling with the set up here, with links and such.  Please feel free to email me (same name, at gmail) if you see something wonky.

On tumblr with the same name, and twitter as @jmc_bks.



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